iPECS-MG Training – System Feature

Power Point presentation for System Feature of LG-Ericsson iPECS-MG. This is Part 8 from iPECS-MG Training Materials.

iPECS-MG System Feature — Presentation Transcript

  1. System Features Business Enabled Communications
  2. Contents• System Feature • System Specific Items • USB Usage • SMDR Mailing Service & Changed Admin-Set • LED Flashing Control • Dummy Dial Tone Service • Executive / Secretary • PPTP Remote Access • Green Mode • Tone & Ring • Tone – Organization • Ring – Organization• Board Setting • ISDN, VOI, & VMI Board Attribute
  3. System Specific Items USB Usage (DB Up/Download & S/W Upgrade with Attendant-Keyset) – There are one USB port supported in MPB Board – Through USB port, administrator can download system DB and also upload DB file manually. – Also administrator can assign auto download DB file whenever they want time. – Through USB port, administrator can upgrade MPB S/W. S/W Upgrade at Attendant Keyset 1. Install USB Stick to MPB USB slot. 2. SW Upgrade : [Tran/PGM] + ‘0’ + ‘9’ + ‘1’ DB Up/Download Manually at Attendant Keyset 1. Install USB Stick to MPB USB slot. 2. DB Download : [Tran/PGM] + ‘0’ + ‘9’ + ‘2’ 3. DB Upload : [Tran/PGM] + ‘0’ + ‘9’ + ‘3’ DB Download Automatically for Backup 1. Install USB Stick to MPB USB slot. 2. Set Auto-Download Time in a day PGM223-Flex9, Flex10.
  4. System Specific Items SMDR Mailing Service – System automatically send the E-mail to assigned Supervisor for notification about state of SMDR – Sending E-mail time rule can be defined SMDR Attribute Admin PGM 232. – And also SMDR data can be attached by Sylk File type. So supervisor can open this file with Excel-Program Automatically SMDR Notification 1. Set Mail-Sending Time PGM 232 2. Daily or Weekly sending rule can be assigned 3. When assigned time, system send E-mail
  5. System Specific Items SMDR Mailing Service (WEB-Admin) Mail Server Address & SMDR Attribute PGM232 User Address Weekly or Daily SetExample SMDR Mail Sender Addr is used for Mail Sender Address
  6. System Specific Items Changed SMDR Admin-Set – SMDR Service Option : [On Line] / [Off Line] / [On-Off Line] / [Interface] / [E-Mail] / [Off Line & E-Mail] / [On-Off Line & E-Mail] / [Interface & E-Mail] – Report Type [Outgoing Call] / [Incoming Call] [Internal Call] / [Lost Call] – Additional Report Option 1. Transfer Call Charge 2. Attendant Transfer Call Charge
  7. System Specific Items LED Flashing Control – Administrator can control and reassign all kinds LED Flashing rule at PGM234. – Administrator can change Flashing Color and Flashing Rate. – MG system support 48 kinds of Flashing Type and has default flashing rule just like ipLDK series. LED Flashing PGM234
  8. System Specific Items Intercom-Busy One Digit Service – During Intercom Busy, caller can make One-Digit Service. – Administrator can define One-Digit Service as Step-Call or Other-features. One-Digit Service 1) Step-Call Service 2) Call-Back, Call-Wait, Camp-On, Voice-Over, Intrusion, Pilot-Hunt Intercom Busy Digit STEP Call Service PGM237 One Digit Service Call-Back Call-Wait Camp-On Voice-Over Intrusion Pilot-Hunt
  9. System Specific Items Dial Tone Digit Table – When digit conversion is programmed, the CO line is seized after digit conversion is completed. – With a Dial Tone Digit Service, dummy dial tone can be provided. although before CO line is not seized actually by user. Ex Site Situation : 1) PRI start from ‘1’ , all of other dial number is not matter. 2) Common CO & LCO CO Board is used in that Site. 3) Administrator want to make user seize PRI CO, if outgoing dial number start from ‘1’ for charging. 4) Without number Seize Dial Number is ‘9’ 1. Make Outgoing Grouping CO line 1. LCO Line is Outgoing CO Group 1 2. PRI Line is Outgoing CO Group 2
  10. System Specific Items Dial Tone Digit Table 2. Make Digit Conversion number from ‘91’ to ‘802’ 1. Set the digit conversion rule at Digit-Conv. Table. 3. Assign Dummy Dial Number ‘9’ 1. Assign Digit number ‘9’ for Dummy Dial Tone at Dummy Dial-Tone Digit Table. 4. When User press dial ‘9’, then user always can hear Dummy-Dial Tone.
  11. System Specific Items Executive / Secretary – MG System support two-type of Executive/Secretary Service. 1) with DN Numbering Scheme 2) with Assignment Executive/Secretary Scheme. – In Executive/Secretary Assignment table, Max 48 rules can be supported. – Each Executive can has 3 Secretaries, and also ICM/CO call answer rules can be defined. – all Executives can have the authority to access between other Executives. Executive/Secretary Assignment PGM241 ICM call Rule Co call Rule Executive Call Case Secretary Call Choice
  12. System Specific Items PPTP Access System from Remote PC – MG System support Remote access Method from other network area by PPTP. – Administrator can make 4 PPTP rules to access from public outside area. Private Network Zone Internet Public IP Public IP Private IP Private IP – Outside PC can not access to MG system with only IP – 2 In that case, if PPTP function is set, MG system try to make PPTP PPTP Connection Request connection to outside PC. And then tunneling connection will be 1. By ATD(PGM+0+8+4)PPTP Connection established between PC and MG system. 2. By CLI(PPTP Service CLI) After connection outside PC user can control MG system by Web Admin
  13. System Specific Items Green Mode (Power Saving) – MG System can disable the power of a Digital Phone or SLT installed in the DTIB/SLIB/DSIU at night or during holiday mode. -The power On/Off can be controlled by Web Admin manually or automatically according to the assigned power On/Off time. – Green mode applied Board : DTIB 12/24, SLIB 12/24 SLTs in SLIB Board DKTs in 1 DTIB st Can be assigned Board power off rule only Can be power DKTs in 2nd DTIB during holiday off during Night Board Can not be used Power Save Administrator can assign each board to off power defined Time
  14. System Specific Items Green Mode (Power Saving, WEB-Admin) Green Mode Activation (Only Web-Admin) Administrator can assign each board individually Manual Power On/Off Button Green Mode Time Setting (Only Web-Admin) Administrator can assign Power Off Start Time and Power On Start Time. These time rule can be defined by day of the week.
  15. MG Tone & Ring – All kinds of Tone and Ring can be changed by Web-Admin. – Tone information is described as Tone-Table and all cases of Tone is defined at PGM 290. – Ring information is described as Ring-Table and all cases of Ring is defined at PGM 265. Tone-Table PGM Ring-Table PGM 290 265
  16. Tone & Ring Tone – Organization (Tone Table) – 74 kinds of Tones in a table are defined. – Each Tone has 14 kinds of Tone-Type. ( Normal , Prompt, Announcement, Int-MOH, Ext-MOH, 4-VMIB MOH, 5-SLT MOH ) – Each Tone will be played during assigned Tone-Time. – If Tone Type is Prompt or Announcement, recorded message will be played at Prompt/Annc. No. – If Tone Type is VMIB or SLT MOH, assigned MOH will be played at Music Source Admin PGM 229. – If Tone Type is Normal, assigned Tone Port(Tone Source) will be played. This Tone Port(Tone Source) is defined at Tone Frequency/Cadence Table PGM 264. Tone-Table PGM290 Tone Type
  17. Tone & Ring Tone – Organization (Music Source) – Internal MOH and VMIB MOH and SLT MOH can be assigned at Music Source Admin PGM229. – In case of Internal MOH, system can support 13 fixed Music. – In case of VMIB MOH, MAX 4 MOH channel can be supported. But Each VMIB /AAIB board only have one MOH. – In case of SLT MOH, any SLT port can be assigned for SLT MOH. Music Source PGM229 Installed VMIB/AAIB Slot will be displayed in order. Administrator can assign only one Message for MOH per each Board.
  18. Tone & Ring Tone – Organization (Tone Frequency/Cadence Table) – There are 19 Tone Port(Tone Source) . Each Tone is defined with Frequency and Cadence. – Each Tone Port Frequency can be combined two different Frequency. – Each Tone Port will be played with On/Off Cadence from Cadence info1 to info 4. Tone-Frequency/Cadence Table PGM264 In case of Tone Port 4 , 425Hz Frequency Tone will be played. 425Hz Frequency ON Time OFF Time ON Time OFF Time 100msec. 400msec. 100msec. 400msec.
  19. Tone & Ring Tone – Organization (Example) Tone Table support different Tone Type, Ex : Error Tone Tone since MG is able to provide different source -> applied when user hears error tone Type to specific Tone. Now we will explain case of Normal case. Normal Prompt Announcement Tone Type -> Normal Tone Time -> 20s Used for Tone Port -> 1 Used for Cadence ON/OFF Time UnitMG will provide Error Tone according with setting of Tone Port freq1-2.Since Repeat value for Tone Port is 255 (means continuously), then Tone will operate according with Tone Time (PGM 290).The Error Tone cadence is 300msec ON/200msec OFF repeat.
  20. Tone & Ring Ring – Organization (Ring Table) – 17 kinds of rings in a table are defined. – Each Ring has 4 kinds of Ring Index. 1) 4 type Ring Index can be decided by User Program 2) User can define [Trans/PGM] 21 for ICM Differential Ring 3) User can define [Trans/PGM] 22 for CO Differential Ring – Each Ring will be played during assigned Ring-Time. – Assigned Ring Index Number (Ring Source) is defined at Ring Frequency/Cadence Table PGM 266. Ring-Table PGM 265
  21. Tone & Ring Ring – Organization (Ring Frequency/Cadence Table) – There are 15 ring Index (Ring Source) . Each Ring is defined with Frequency and Cadence. – This Table format is same as Tone- Frequency/Cadence Table. Ring-Frequency/Cadence Table PGM266 In case of Ring Index 2 , combined Ring with 1000Hz Frequency and 1020Hz Frequency, will be played. 1000Hz & 1020Hz Frequency Combined ON Time OFF Time ON Time OFF Time 400msec. 2sec. 400msec. 2sec.
  22. Tone & Ring Ring – Organization (Example) Ring Table support different Ring Type, since MG is able to provide different source to Ex : Intercom Ring specific Ring. Now we will explain the ring -> applied when station gets intercom ring scheme. Used for ICM Differential Ring. It can be selected by station program (PGM 21) Used for Ring CadenceMG will provide Intercom Ring according with setting of Ring Index freq1-2.Since Repeat value for Ring Index is 255 (means continuously), then Ring will operateaccording with Ring Time (adm265). Used forWhen Ring Time expire, the Intercom Ring is stop and caller hears Error Tone. ON/OFF Time UnitThe Intercom Ring cadence is 800msec ON/2.4sec OFF repeat.
  23. ISDN, VOI, & VMI Board Attributes ISDN Board Setting ISDN Attribute PGM 300 Administrator can define ISDN Data CRC Check TE / NT Mode BRI PROT Layer-2 TEI Mode ISDN Clock Priority PGM 301 Administrator can define ISDN Clock Priority MG System can control Clock Signaling by Web Admin against LDK system Series
  24. ISDN, VOI, & VMI Board Attributes VOIB / VMIB Board Setting VOIB / VMIB Attribute PGM 305 External Port Board IP Address IP Board Specific Attributes.

LG-Ericsson: http://www.ericssonlg.com

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12 years ago

Dear Sir,

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6 years ago

Dear Mr. stojanoski,
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6 years ago

Dear Mr. Stojanoski,
can you tell me, how I can download these presentations? Thanks for advance ([email protected]).
