Enable chat on Zimbra 7

By default, Zimbra 7 has the chat feature disabled, Here is a simple way to enable chat on Zimbra 7. This feature will not be available in newer versions.

Enable XMPP protocol on Zimbra server

Login as zimbra username and enable the XMPP protocol on your Zimbra server.

su - zimbra
zmprov -l -v mcf zimbraXMPPEnabled TRUE

Enable chat feature on your COS

You can enable this feature on every COS on your server. The following commands will enable the chat feature, enable Notify function and will auto-login users on chat when they login for the default COS. Change default with the name of your COS you want to enable the chat feature.

zmprov mc default zimbraFeatureIMEnabled TRUE
zmprov mc default zimbraFeatureInstantNotify TRUE
zmprov mc default zimbraPrefIMAutoLogin TRUE

You need to restart your Zimbra server for the changes to take commit.

zmcontrol stop
zmcontrol start

After reloading your interface you will see Buddy icon.

Use Pidgin as chat client

You can also use pidgin as a chat client and configure it with the following configuration

Basic Tab: Protocol=XMPP
Basic Tab: Username= Zimbra username. ( not @domain.com)
Basic Tab: Domain= domain (ex: domain.com)
Basic Tab: Password=user password
Advanced Tab: Require SSL/TLS=Recommended
Advanced Tab: Connect Port=5222
Advanced Tab: Connect Server= IP or domain name of your Zimbra Server

This feature will be removed from Zimbra on newer releases, but we can use it in version 7.

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Darry Castro
Darry Castro
8 years ago

excelente, gracias por el post
